We are fighting
for you to win!

Lawyer specialized in Medical Malpractice

Andrei Tărău

With a practical experience of over 10 years in the legal field, Andrei Tărău is the owner of the Law office with the same name. He is motivated and ready to help clients from all over the country in solving medical malpractice lawsuits.

He graduated with a law bachelor degree in 2011 from the Faculty of Law, Oradea University, and worked as a lawyer intern for a year at Doseanu Răzvan Law Firm. Starting with 2014, he has been working as a permanent lawyer and is a respected member of Bihor Bar. 

In 2019, Andrei Tărău graduated a master’s program in Forensic investigation and forensic medicine from the University of Medicine and Pharmacology “Iuliu Haţieganu” in Cluj-Napoca.

Specialized in solving cases involving medical malpractice, Andrei Tărău has an expertise in other law fields, such as criminal, civil and labor law, acquired by solving countless cases in his 10 plus years activity and by participating to countless specialized conferences.


Who we are


Încă de la înființare, Cabinetul de avocat Tărău Andrei are drept misiune oferirea serviciilor juridice de cea mai înaltă calitate, atât persoanelor vătămate de o conduită medicală neglijentă, cât și medicilor acuzați de malpraxis medical, cu scopul de a contribui la creșterea calității actului medical din România prin prisma descoperirii și dovedirii actelor de malpraxis medical, urmate de tragerea la răspundere a persoanelor responsabile și justa despăgubire a victimelor prejudiciate.  

Why choose us?

Having a solid theoretical knowledge and a vast practical experience, Andrei Tărău’s Law office is specialized in solving cases of medical malpractice. Besides this field, we have competency in cases involving work accidents or accidents and other roadside felonies. Collaborating with the most valuable professionals from our country (forensic doctors and judiciary experts), we ensure the resolution, all over the territory of Romania, of cases in a professional and timely manner.

We work for you

We are here to help victims of medical malpractice cases obtain the necessary compensation that result from a faulty medical act. Also, our services are available to those that face such accusations – doctor or medical units – even by offering legal advice in order to protect against future medical malpractice accusations. If you are a victim of a medical malpractice case or want more details and information, please visit the page for medical malpractice services.

Settlements for our clients

asd 40.000 euro daune morale și 8.420 euro daune materiale, ambele sume cu dobânda legală de la data producerii prejudiciului și până la data plății efective. La debutul executării silite, dobânda legală a ajuns la suma de 43.000 eurodespăgubirile finale obținute de pacient depășind suma de de 90.000 euro. Motivul a fost acela că, în urma unei intervenții chirurgicale efectuate în cadrul spitalului, clientul nostru a fost infectat cu o bacterie rezistentă – Stafilococ auriu meticilino-rezistent, iar ulterior a necesitat 6 intervenții chirurgicale pentru a se vindeca în cele din urmă de infecția nosocomială cu MRSA.”

“In 2023, we resolved a medical malpractice dispute outside of the court system. Our client was compensated by a private hospital in Bucharest with 20,000 euros as moral damages for performing a medical intervention that lacked the properly informed consent of the patient, as is required by law. Essentially, in 2022, a collaborating physician of the private hospital performed a cardiac ablation procedure on the patient, which later suffered complications, requiring an open-heart surgery to save her life. During the mediation process, the attending physician admitted that the patient was inadequately informed, as not all the risks of this intervention were communicated to her.”

“In 2023, we secured a definitive dismissal in a medical malpractice case investigated by Prosecutor's Office attached to the Oradea Court of Appeal. The case involved an alleged negligent homicide committed by our client while practicing their profession as a surgeon in Cluj-Napoca, in 2015. The main accusation against the surgeon was the premature discharge of the patient diagnosed with acute pancreatitis, ultimately resulting in the patient’s death. The criminal investigation established that the surgeon was not guilty of negligent homicide, as the treatment and outcome would have been the same even if the patient had remained hospitalized.”

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